Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.
Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.
We are Linsteel Philippines. The expert supplier of steel pipe pile and casing, spiral welded steel pipe, anchor tie rod, sheet pile, pipe flange, helical or screw pipe piles, tremie pipes, and others.
Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.
Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.

We oath to give our customers the best quality product that they deserve. Linsteel Philippines provide complete solutions for your projects. Using our design engineering and pile driving expertise.
Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.
Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.
Pipe flanges are used to connect two steel pipes. First, by welding the flange at both ends then fastening the paired flanges using bolts and nuts. Additionally, these are used to connect valves, pumps, and other equipment to form a piping system.
Helical piles are pipes with a helical plate welded on their body along its length. It can be used as piling support or foundation to a concrete structure. As in bored piling. Although, unlike bored piles that are being driven or hammered. Helical piles are being twisted to penetrate the ground. It can be achieved due to its unique helical plates.
Tremie pipes are water tight pipe used as encasement when pouring concrete in an area submerged in water. It can be used when the portion to be cemented is deep beneath the ground. As in deep wells or creating caissons for bridges. Lastly, it is advantageous in the quality of the pouring because it avoids concrete pile breakage or gaps.
Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.
Sheet piling is a construction procedure used to drive sheet piles on the ground for soil protection. It is normally done during excavation to prevent cave-in of the nearby soil. Sheet piling is also used for slope and riverbank protection against erosion and landslides, for instance.
Bored piling is the construction method of burying steel or concrete foundation. A boring equipment will create a borehole on the ground to be filled by a steel encasement or concrete foundation. Firstly, it is a normal practice for structures to be erect on soft soil or for high-rise buildings. Secondly, in the Philippines spiral welded steel pipes are the most commonly used in bored casing.
Linsteel supplies steel products that are strictly in compliance with international standards. Such as AWWA and ASTM, and ANSI.
We believe in partnership and value of your time. At Linsteel we always find solution to meet your deadline.
At today’s competitive scene we always strive to give our customers the best product that they needed. At the most affordable and reasonable price.
Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.
Linsteel Philippines is a supplier of spiral and rolled steel casing, tremie pipes, sheet pile, anchor tie rod, grating, helical pile, pipe flange, in Manila and Cebu. moreover.